More About Me

(the fun stuff)

When I'm not busy with schoolwork and extracurriculars, you can usually find me doing the New York Times crossword, trying new restaurants with friends (and probably taking pictures of the food), talking on the phone with my brother, or cooking something from Trader Joe's.

I love learning about language and culture in whatever ways I can. Here are some of my go-to ways I follow Stephen King's rule that in order to be a good writer, "You have to read widely."

I love exploring modern storytelling mediums like podcasts (You Didn't See Nothin', This American Life, Something Was Wrong) and YouTube video essays (Nerdwriter, Curious Archive, Matt Orchard).

I am always trying to chip away at my ever-expanding Goodreads to-read list and Letterboxd to-watch list. With each item ticked off, I tend to write long, reflective reviews on everything I loved about it (or hated). Feel free to click through to see my favorite novels and films.

some miscellaneous favorites

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring."

David Bowie